Your place for a fun time with BOTTOMLESS CHAMPAGNE

Come celebrate with BOTTOMLESS CHAMPAGNE
Pinocchio’s is your place for a FUN TIME with Bottomless Champagne, Add a carafe of fresh orange juice to create a Mimosa cocktail or add a carafe of cranberry juice to create a Poinsettia cocktail! @PinocchioPS #Champagne #BottomlessChampagne #ChampagneBrunch #Mimosa #Poinsettia

Pinocchio's your place for a FUN TIME!
Pinocchio’s your place for a FUN TIME!

Come try our MEXICAN CANDY!

It’s always a perfect time for a Mexican Candy !

Come try a MEXICAN CANDY SHOT at Pinocchio’s in the Desert, sometimes also called a Mexican lollipop candy shot, this is going to become your new favorite shot! It is loaded with a unique flavor profile that just makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Hornitos Tequila, watermelon schnapps, hot sauce, tajin & lime juice rim. #Pinocchios #Bar #Cocktails #SportsBar #BestDiner #MexicanCandyShot

Mexican Candy Shot
Mexican Candy Shot

Wishing our customers a SPOOKTACULAR FUN TIME!

We would like to wish all our customers a SPOOKTACULAR FUN TIME this Halloween  – from Everyone at Pinocchio’s. Come celebrate and kick-off Halloween with – BOTTOMLESS CHAMPAGNE at Pinocchio’s
What better way to kick of the holiday  with your loved ones with Bottom Champagne!  Add a carafe of fresh orange juice to create a Mimosa cocktail or add a carafe of cranberry juice to create a Poinsettia cocktail! @PinocchioPS #HappyHalloween #Halloween #Spooktacular  #FunTimes #LOVEISLOVE #Champagne #BottomlessChampagne #ChampagneBrunch #AllDayHappyHour

Spooktacular Fun Time for Halloween!

Treat your MOM this MOTHERS DAY!

Come Celebrate a “MOTHERS DAY WEEKEND” with the MOTHER of all Offers – BOTTOMLESS CHAMPAGNE at Pinocchio’s
Come treat your mother and loved ones with Bottom Champagne! Add a carafe of fresh orange juice to create a Mimosa cocktail or add a carafe of cranberry juice to create a Poinsettia cocktail! @PinocchioPS #MothersDay #FunTimes #LOVEISLOVE #Champagne #BottomlessChampagne #ChampagneBrunch #AllDayHappyHour

Come treat your MOM to the MOTHER of all Offers - BOTTOMLESS CHAMPAGNE!
Come treat your MOM to the MOTHER of all Offers – BOTTOMLESS CHAMPAGNE!

Pinocchios wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas from everyone at Pinocchio’s in the Desert. Come celebrate the holidays with – BOTTOMLESS CHAMPAGNE and ALL DAY HAPPY HOUR at Pinocchio’s!
What better way to kick of this festive holiday season  with your loved ones, with Bottom Champagne! Add a carafe of fresh orange juice to create a Mimosa cocktail or add a carafe of cranberry juice to create a Poinsettia cocktail! @PinocchioPS #MerryChristmas #HappyHolidays  #FunTimes #LOVEISLOVE #Champagne #BottomlessChampagne #ChampagneBrunch #AllDayHappyHour

Merry Christmas from Pinocchios
Merry Christmas from Pinocchios

Happy Palm Springs PRIDE !

HAPPY PALM SPRINGS PRIDE WEEKEND  – from Everyone at Pinocchio’s. Come celebrate diversity and equality this Palm Springs PRIDE Festival Weekend with the Offer of all Offers – BOTTOMLESS CHAMPAGNE at Pinocchio’s
What better way to kick of this amazing weekend  with your loved ones with Bottom Champagne!  Add a carafe of fresh orange juice to create a Mimosa cocktail or add a carafe of cranberry juice to create a Poinsettia cocktail! @PinocchioPS #HappyPRIDE #PalmSpringsPRIDE #GayPride #Equality #LGBTQ  #FunTimes #LOVEISLOVE #Champagne #BottomlessChampagne #ChampagneBrunch #AllDayHappyHour

Pinocchio's your place to enjoy Greater Palm Springs PRIDE!
Pinocchio’s your place to enjoy Greater Palm Springs PRIDE!